
主演:Jonathan Badeen Mandy Ginsberg Nancy Jo Sales 

导演:Nancy Jo Sales 

类型:纪录 美国 2018

时间:2020-09-10 01:09:02


手机在线电影网站【独立影视】专门为您推荐纪录【数字时代的恋爱游戏】 免费在线观看,由导演:Nancy,Jo,Sales及演员 Jonathan,Badeen,Mandy,Ginsberg,Nancy,Jo,Sales共同携手打造,电影于2018年在美国上映。
Author Nancy Jo Sales investigates the online dating industry's impact on gender issues, examining how it has changed the way people date, mate and think about the apps on their phones, and explores how the act of swiping affects the ability to find true and lasting connections.
